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Fun Fridays for Summer

Fun Fridays for Summer

Fun Fridays are offered to all Friendship Circle participants every other Friday throughout the summer from 10:00am-3:00pm. A variety of activities are offered including some days at Chabad Jewish Center pursuing music, art, games, discussions, and watery fun; and other days we meet at a destination throughout the city--like the Zoo and Sharon Woods. There will be no costs associated for our participants to join in these activities, so if you have kids or teens in town, we would love for them to join us. A Kosher, kid-friendly lunch is provided for all of these activities. If you haven't yet registered with Friendship Circle, the process is relatively quick and easy. We are always looking for more friends to increase our circle, so don't hesitate. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jeanne at 513-793-5200, and she will be happy to speak with you to address your questions or concerns.

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